Bluetit Diary    Apr 2004 (18)



Tuesday 13th April, 2004

Neptune is making another visit to Fantail's box.  Like Barney, he is a most attentive partner.

There is not have much sign of white flecks among his head feathers though.  It will be interesting to see whether they develop later or not.

It is 9.04am and this is Neptune's third or fourth visit to the nest box since we started recording this morning at about a quarter past eight - so he is still paying close attention to Fantail's nest building progress (or lack of it.)

He left, of course, immediately after this picture was taken.

Fantail is still fascinated by that spot on the wall!

However, she occasionally does find time to bring in some more nesting material.

Neptune pays another visit.  Perhaps his head is becoming a little bit streaked?

"Where is she?" Neptune seems to be saying.

Fantail came in shortly after.  Perhaps he heard her calling?

Is Fantail thinking of roosting?

If she was, she decided against it!

This was her last visit today.