Bluetit Diary    Feb 2004 (8)



Tuesday 10th February, 2004

We have been experimenting with the camera this week and some of our pictures are not as good of those of yesterday.  However, after protests about the lack of news from our family, here are some more pics taken by the new camera.

It's only by following the antics of our birds so closely that you realise what acrobats of the air they are.  Here Fluffy comes bombing out the box only to abruptly turn through 180° to land on the roof!  She appears to get well away from the box before flapping her wings - presumably because hitting them on the box might damage them.

Here she is seen coming into land on the roof, again appearing to keep her wings well clear of danger.

These images were taken before we realised that the camera pointed sufficiently into the sun sometimes to create a milky appearance on parts of the image.  This has been cured by giving the camera a sun shade!

Here we have an unwelcome visitor.  Last year we had problems with woodpeckers - let's hope its not going to be squirrels this year!