Bluetit Diary    Mar 2007 (5)



Tuesday 6th March, 2007

The bluetit in BBB is coming to terms with the changed shape of her home.

Instead of continually displaying at her image in the glass, she is exploring the camera end of her enlarged area.

I think she is just checking where the exit is!

Off she goes.  Clearly she can still get out in good time if she wants to.

Twenty two minutes later she is back for another visit.  Here she is inspecting the area above the camera

In order to prevent a bird from flying over the end partition, I have used a CD case, which just happened to be the right size, to act as a roof of the nesting area.  However, this is transparent.  Perhaps she wants to get to where she can see, but not at present go?

She is now so high up, she must be clinging to a small gap between the end partition and the CD case!

Foiled again!

"What did you say?"

Next time she might make break through!

On her way out.