Bluetit Diary 2010 -  May (4)

Thursday 13th May

We left the cameras on overnight as we expected that several chicks would hatch out in the early morning.  It was interesting to see that by 5.15am, Will was bringing food to Rosie and had been at least a dozen times before 5.30am!

When eventually the lights came on at 6am, we could see two, but only two chicks.  So much for our hoped for mass hatching!

At least Will is being a very attentive partner.  Here he passes some food to Rosie ...

... and watches while she feeds it to one of the two chicks.

It is not until twenty past seven that we can see that only two eggs have hatched.  You can clearly see 6 unhatched eggs here!

Nothing seems to be happening with Donna's clutch.  It is mid afternoon now but all her eggs are still in one piece.

At the end of the day, Rosie still has only two chicks.

Perhaps tomorrow will see our mass hatching!

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